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Student Leadership

At Parafield Gardens Primary School, we are dedicated to nurturing the holistic wellbeing of our students. Our wellbeing programs are designed to support each child’s physical, emotional, and social development, providing them with the skills and resilience they need to thrive in both academic and life pursuits. Central to our approach is the integration of the Berry Street Education Model, a proven framework that focuses on trauma-informed practices and positive relationships. The Berry Street Education Model recognises that students’ behaviour and learning are deeply affected by their life experiences. By understanding and addressing the impact of trauma, we create a safe and nurturing environment where all students can succeed. We believe that strong, positive relationships between students, staff, and the community are the basis of wellbeing. Our educators build meaningful connections with students, providing the support and encouragement they need to thrive emotionally and academically.

Peace Committee

Students from each class can nominate themselves or others to represent the school as a Peace Committee representative. Nominated students go through an application process involving writing and public speaking. Students are responsible for voting for their preferred nominee. Peace Committee representatives are expected to model the Peace School Values; Persistence, Enthusiasm, Acceptance, Community and Excellence.

Class meetings are held fortnightly to enable authentic student voice which encourages decision making about issues. This is also a forum for students to be able to contribute ideas and share information. Peace Committee meetings are held weekly with class sharing always on the agenda.

The Peace Committee is involved in raising awareness and sometimes funds for important community charities that students identify as being important and align to our school values. Members of the Peace Committee are held in high regard by the school community and are pivotal to the success and wellbeing of the school.

House Teams and Captains

There are four Sports Day houses here at Parafield Gardens Primary School. They are; Barker (Green), Sturt (Blue), Flinders (Red) and Eyre (Yellow). On Sports Day the four houses compete against each other to see which house can earn the most points and become champions. Houses earn points from doing their team chants, tabloid events and championship sprints. Each house has two captains and two vice-captains. The role of these captains includes; writing and presenting a speech detailing their leadership skills, organising and leading the team chants, assisting PE teachers with their organisation for the day and providing leadership to junior primary students in the championship sprints. The winning captains also present a speech to the school at the end of Sports Day.

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